A resource of news, opinion and occasional gallows humor meant to reassure the more than 1 in 6 jobless or underemployed Americans that, no, they're not crazy - the world is.
If you haven't lost your job, has your boss cut your pay? Taken away overtime? Reduced your workweek? Eliminated raises? Chopped your benefits? Put you on an unpaid furlough?
Compensation for U.S. workers so far in 2009 has been cut by the largest amount in nearly two decades, with a government index of real average weekly earnings down 1.9% since last December, McClatchy Newspapers has reported. And the average workweek — now down to 33 hours — is the shortest on modern record.
As mentioned in an earlier post, if "underemployed workers" - those forced to take shorter shifts or other employment cutbacks - are included, the nation's unemployment and underemployment rate is closer to 18%, not the official 10.2% unemployment rate.
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