Check out the site's video podcasts ... they're hysterical! To view one of the better ones, click here.
Although the site is completely commercialized, some of its products are actually very funny. So funny that, despite having just been told I would lose my job, I bought several mugs and desktop prints, which are take-offs of those annoying inspirational posters advertised in airline magazines:
Also take a look at their management manual that's so satirical you have to read it closely to "get" the jokes: The Art of Motivation; A Visionary's Guide for Transforming Your Company's Least Valuable Asset: Your Employees. My old boss lived and breathed it!
Despair has been blatantly commercial since the beginning- right? Were they ever NOT a commercial enterprise, trying to sell posters and whatnot? I don't know if you can be any more commercial than a company that is overtly telling people that "operators are waiting to take your money"- and that's been a slogan of their's for a loooong time... :-)
I understood that, at the very beginning of the site, that Despair at least didn't have a Home Page devoted to selling its products, which it does now. If not, I stand corrected, and thanks for your post.
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